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Steve and Jane Wilson
LIfe Stage: Retirement Revamp
Top Retirement Goals: The continued
funding of their spending needs, with an emphasis on aiding the financial future of their granddaughter, Lisa.

Ages: 75 and 73
The Spending Plan
While still staying within a safe withdrawal rate, which we retest every year - we've adjusted the Wilsons' Spending Plan to account for annual 529 Plan gifting, as well as a Custodial Account that can be invested and used in a different way.
The Investments
The Wilsons have two IRAs, two Roths, and a Trust account. We've developed an investment strategy that connects them all together, while allocating each one of them slightly different. This creates flexibility with taxes and helps to preserve their wealth.
The Income
Over the years we've helped the Wilsons delay Social Security to age 70 in order to maximize their benefits. We've done this by having a slightly larger withdrawal rate early in retirement, but once Social Security benefits began we adjusted it back down while maintaining the same lifestyle.
The Taxes
We take in the Wilsons' tax return annually to review and analyze it. By understanding exactly where our clients are tax-wise, it helps us to optimize and implement strategies such as managing their marginal tax bracket, Roth conversions, and realizing capital gains.
The Estate Plan
Steve and Jane want to be sure Lisa is include in their estate plan. We've helped to establish a lifetime gifting strategy for Lisa now, as well as provided guidance on how to include her in their inheritance, but not until she is ready to receive it.
The Partnership
The Wilsons know that when their desires in retirement change, the Retirement Plan can change. Having a partner like BTG enables them to make better informed decisions, and feel much more at ease when they take action.
Disclaimer: The above case study is a hypothetical example. Although we have worked with many families with similar circumstances, this does not represent an actual BTGRP client scenario. Clients engaging with BTGRP may experience different results or satisfaction.

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